Thursday, January 21, 2010

Super Powers

Lucas and I were on our way to Boulder to run an errand. As usual, while in the car we chatted. The radio was tuned in to KBCO ( World-Class Rock, baby!) and as soon as he heard the chords to Just Breathe, our conversation went as follows ~

*  "Mom, we should be quiet so we can hear the song. You love that Eddie guy." ( I do heart Mr. Vedder)

After a minute...

*  "Lucas, I love you. You're so special. "

*  "I love you, Momma. I'm not special though."

*  "What?! Lucas, you are SO special!"

*  "No, I'm not...I don't rescue people who are trapped in the forest. And I don't have any super powers."

*  "You are incredibly kind and thoughtful. You're great at sharing. You're hilarious. Elsa couldn't ask for a more caring brother and I couldn't ask for a more loving son. Being kind, funny, loving, and caring...those are your super powers."

*  " I am all of those things."

*  "Yes, yes you are. And more."

*  "Is being good at playing Wii tennis a super power?"

*  "If you want it to be, then absolutely!"

A brief pause...

*  "Oh, I know another super power...
I'm really cute!"


Tianna said...

He is awesome! So in tune with others! And he keeps me laughing all day!

Pandora's Aquarium said...

That is wonderful! He sounds perfect.