Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Tongue Is Bleeding

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Over the last few weeks I haven't said a peep about Robertson, Reid, Limbaugh, Brown, or Bauer,

Nor about the vile remarks of facebook fans that show up every hour.

I've been watching and reading as others post their non-sensical writ,

(Achoo! Achoo! Excuse me, I forgot...I'm allergic to bullshit).

I welcome a difference of opinion, a variety of views,

As long as they aren't simply talking points lifted from the babbling heads at Fox News.

Friends who truly love me aren't offended by what I say,

Speaking out rather than shutting up...they wouldn't have me any other way.

Please remember, friends, that I love intent isn't to offend,

Rather, I believe communication is a step toward a nation on the mend.


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