Saturday, January 16, 2010

You're Such a Flirt...

I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. It's one of those ridiculously depressing holidays that comes after the Christmas rush and falls in the midst of  what many consider the most depressing season - winter.
In the past, I dreaded not having a date for the 14th. I'm sure I'm not the only one who started looking for a partner in January just so I wouldn't be alone in February. Or, worse yet, stayed with someone who I really didn't want to be with simply so I could celebrate a massacre. Pathetic, I know.
And don't get me wrong, I realize I was probably on the other end of those scenarios at one time or another.
(Additionally, I found that even while in long-term relationships, Valentine's Day was stressful. I had these expectations that my love-bugs just couldn't meet. So, the day became a let-down.)

All this led me to thinking about how people try to pick up each other.
How can you tell if someone is flirting with you or just feeding you a crockpot full of bull? Are flirting
and bs-ing the same thing? And if you are going to flirt, shouldn't it at least be specific to the person you are trying to woo?

I had a relationship with someone who told me the same things he told everyone else. So impersonal! We (I'm guessing men, too) want to feel special, like we are one-and-onlys...that the words coming out of your mouth have never been heard by another.

What are some things that people have said or done (flirting is an action) to let you know they were interested?


Anonymous said...

Aside from asking me to go on a date up front, there was the time when someone I had just met at a nightclub asked me to breakfast. After I returned from my last visit to the ladies room and approached to bar to pay my tab, the bartender advised me it was already taken care of and nodded to the guy next to me. After several weeks of dating I answered the phone one morning and on the other end was a woman he had been long-distance dating for years...It goes without saying that that was the end of that relationship....

Tianna said...

Oh, Anonymous...I'm so sorry to hear that. I think alot of us can relate to the situation where someone we've been seeing is double-dating. Perhaps, even triple-dipping! It's the yuckiest feeling!
I do like the breakfast after clubbing pitch. You're already dressed, already out and about, and breakfast is quick. If things aren't going well, you know the date will be over before you can say sunny-side-up.