Sunday, January 10, 2010

The World

Based on the title of this post, you may be thinking that I'm going to step onto my soap box and voice my opinion about the state of affairs around the world.
Not today.
I'm too tired. And it's sloth Sunday...I don't want to invest that much energy today.
That being said, we can discuss anything political - which is really just about everything - another time. On that note, any topics you want to throw out there are always appreciated.

Yesterday, during supper, Elsa told me that while playing at a friend's house they made wishes! Lucas said that he wished for a chocolate pig.
Elsa said that a pig wouldn't cut it...she wanted the world to be made out of chocolate.

I went downstairs this morning (I was up early, even without my coffee-drug. See for an explanation.). I practiced sitting in silence. Then, since it was quiet in the house, I decided to read a few more pages of Anna Karenina.

Lucas was the first one out of bed. He's the early-bird. From where I was sitting, I could see him as he was coming down the stairs.
Step. Pause. Step. Pause.
He looked around.
He took a deep breath and let out such a long sigh for a little guy.
"Elsa," he called.
"The world isn't chocolate. I'm sorry about your wish. Maybe tomorrow."
Step. Pause. Step. Pause.
"Don't feel bad...I don't see my chocolate pig either."

The world might not be chocolate, but life is sweet.