Monday, January 4, 2010

Holiday Ho-Ho Down

From Halloween through the beginning of January, life is like an ongoing ho-down...dancing, partying, fun, and food! Lots of food. Lots. We give ourselves permission to eat food-things that throughout the other months of the year we wouldn't even consider speaking from our lips, and certainly wouldn't dare have touch our lips. Ho Hos! Now those would be a fine example of what I'm talking about. I can eat a whole one of those. No chewing needed. Apparently, according to my former husband who still lives with me (another story), this season, I've eaten far too much of everything - except fruit and vegetables.

We were sitting on the sofa watching the movie, Hangover (flippin' funny), when he looked at me and said, "Maybe you should get back to the gym on a more frequent basis." Then, he stuck his big toe into my fleshy belly.

I didn't say a word. I just glared at him. Hasn't he learned yet? After seven-plus years of marriage, and many months of non-marriage, that the way to get me to do something is NOT to tell me I should do it.

The next day, as I'm shoving a mammoth piece of banana-chocolate chip bread into my mouth he repeated that I should go to the gym.
"Nope." Then I climbed back upstairs and headed to my bed for a cat-nap.
Later, he commented that I really need some exercise. Mind you, this isn't being said in a sweet, loving way. He's looking at my plump-rump - as I've recently named it - with one eyebrow cocked.
I'm not going.

If I ever have a man in my life again I hope he understands that if you want me to do something, motivate me. Build me up. Tell me how svelte and sexy (that might be pushing it - you get the idea though) I look. I'll run to the gym. And then work out when I get there.

Thankfully, New Year's Eve was fast approaching and I needed to get my resolutions in order. It's tough to come up with 365 if you don't include anything work-out related. So, I'm back to my routine and I've added many other fun classes to my to-do list. Now, I just need to stop eating those dang ho-hos.


Palmer and Co said...

Tell Jeff to stuff a Ho-Ho in his Pie Hole!

You look FREAKING FANTASTIC!!!! I'm so proud of what you have accomplished this last year and if any one deserves to eat some of this and that it's YOU!

Ignore the boy and enjoy that Ho-Ho!

JabberJaws said...

I'm hunched over, holding my chubby belly, laughing me ass off (I wish that was possible). Thanks for the kind words, as always!