Saturday, January 2, 2010

Not Like Mother

We've been reading the book, I'm Bad, for the last week. So, it was no surprise to hear Elsa roaring to herself..."I'm a big, bad, (but cute) Elsasaurus! I'm can call me Dash! And I LIKE MEAT!"

The first few things she said made me giggle. However, upon the words 'I LIKE MEAT' hitting my ears, I almost fainted. You respectable, groovy, quarter-of-a-century of no-meat-eating, hippie chick ever wants to hear her child say those words and actually mean it.

Yes, the kids are offered meat at most meals. Their Dad is a card-carrying carnivore. I've always been outnumbered at mealtime.
Luke tries - and likes - just about anything. Many moons ago, I gave up on him being the next John Robbins. Elsa, though, was my hope. She's always been a picky eater and meat morsels are usually the thing she leaves on her plate. Never do I encourage them to eat - or even try - meat. If the kiddos say they don't like the chicken or burger (which often times is the case since I'm not that great of a carcass cooker), then that's just peachy with me.

And I've always done my part to try to gross them about when it comes to meat.

"You know what that is, don't you?"
"What what is?"
"The salmon that's on your plate. You know what it is, right?"
"It's fish! Real fish...the kind that, when not dead on your plate, swim in the water. You're eating a FISH."
"Hmmm. That's kinda cool. Bears eat fish. And this is pretty tasty."


Back to Elsa...

So, I called her into the kitchen and asked if she really liked meat.
"Yeah! I like meat, all meat."
I must have been turning ghostly white by now.
"Oh, like all meat? How about you like liver?"
"What's liver?"
Now I've got her.
"Come over to the computer and we'll pull up a picture of it." (I love Google)
"Here we's a picture of liver. Your grandmother used to make me eat this...she'd cook it with onions and bacon and..."
"Did you say bacon? If it's cooked with bacon, it's got to be good. Yum. When can I try it?"

Truly, she is an Elsasaurus.

1 comment:

Palmer and Co said...

Ha! Elsa is right... anything with bacon is DELICIOUS!! Sorry, Tianna... :)

Love this conversation!