Friday, January 1, 2010

I Need a Mint...


Upon seeing that word, what comes to mind? Many might say they imagine love, joy, contentment. Others might think blessings, fun, laughter. Children conjure up positive emotions and images, yes?

In December, if someone had asked me what I thought when I heard the word "children," I would have said...SICKNESS! The flu! Endless cycles of sniffles!

You see, we've had a month-long bout of illness in the house. In addition to finishing up school assignments and preparing for the holidays, we've been battling bugs.

Of the kiddos, it was Lucas who was hit the hardest. I don't think he's ever been so sick. He had a terrible stomach virus. And since he's never experienced this before, he wasn't sure where his "fluids" were supposed to land..on the floor? on the sofa? in Mom's hair? ( I know, terribly disgusting)

As a parent, I felt helpless. There's nothing worse than seeing your child suffer. All I could do was pray that it would pass quickly and he'd feel like himself sooner than later.

After a night of throw-up, fevers & chills, I knew we were on the road to recovery as I watched Lucas make his way downstairs. He was wearing dress-up clothes. He flitted over to me and inhaled deeply. He touched his nose to mine and exhaled.....Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. "Vomit breath," he concluded. Then he added, " I need a mint."

Ah, children.

1 comment:

Palmer and Co said...

Oh, yes! I love this story! Especially love that picture!

Here's to a flu free home this new year... cheers!