Friday, January 8, 2010

And The Answer Is

In ending an IM (instant messaging) conversation with a friend, I used the term, "for Pete's sake!" Later, on facebook, my friend updated his status to read something along the line of, "Who is Pete and why should I be concerned about his welfare?"
Well, several people voiced their theory as to who this Pete fellow is. Had anyone actually wanted to know the answer they could have Googled and found a detailed explanation of the Biblical origin of the saying. Or they could have asked me.
Here's my two-cents.
Peter is the abbreviated form of Peter. Peter is slang for penis (penis is not a dirty word - I'm not going to apologize for using it.). We know that men will do anything for the sake of this particular appendage.

(However, if this was truly the answer, I think we'd be hearing the phrase more often.)

The other day I posted a picture of some toys that the kids like to use during play. They had lined up their friends and wanted me to guess who didn't belong in the group. (See Home schooled for the entire story) I had asked if you had any idea what didn't belong! Well, according to the Elsa and Lucas, there are a few answers. Here's the rest of the story.

"Gosh, let me think..."

Elsa ~ "Do you need some time?"

Lucas ~ "You can do it, Mom."

"Let's see, there's a turtle, lion, penguin, fish, dinosaur, and alligator. I was thinking that all of them lived in or really close to the water except the lion. Then I thought that this dinosaur probably didn't live in the water either."

Lucas ~ "YES!"
(He's saying this with an uncertain, yet surprised look on his he hadn't thought of that, but it made sense to him.)

"Yes? Is that the answer? I didn't think we could take away two animals?"

Lucas ~ "I'm 4. I can make the rules any way I want."

Elsa ~ "Lucas, Lucas. Mommy, that's not what we were thinking. Put on your thinking hat."

"All of the animals here have a little bit of yellow on them except for the brown lion."

Lucas ~ "Yes!"

Elsa ~ "Lu-cas! That's not what we said. It does look like that's the way it is though. You still have to guess again."

By now, my head is throbbing from thinking about this so intently.

"The only one that we can't see in the wild any more is the dinosaur. So, I'm guessing that he doesn't belong!" (Lici guessed this, too!)

Lucas ~ "Yes! Dinosaurs are extinct. That's a good one Mom."

Elsa ~ "That is a good answer. I can't believe you aren't getting the right answer though."

She's so sassy.

"I'm not? Honey, I don't know what else to say. You got me on this one."

Elsa ~ " At school, we learn that we aren't supposed to leave anyone out when we're playing. You always say to make sure we include everyone."

Lucas ~ "Yea, you always say (he starts talking in a high-pitched voice), 'Make sure you don't leave anyone out, especially Lucas.'"

Elsa ~ " Everyone belongs, even if they're different. That's the answer"
