Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I love my children...and have accepted the fact that they will, one-day, move on to start lives of their own. I believe you should smile at everyone you see. I think you should look someone in the eyes when they are talking to you. I believe that if you are going to pray, you need to be ready to do the work that comes with what God has to say. I like freckles. I believe that touch is vital to survival and healing. I love old movies. Cooking should be a family affair. I would do anything for my friends. The goofier, dorkier a person is, the better. Meditate. I believe in PDA. I think seashells should be displayed. Clothing is optional, but if I had to pick one thing to wear every day it would be a pair of jeans, white t-shirt, and flip-flops – and some sort of hat. I think anyone who spends needless time, money, and energy on a wedding day, isn’t really ready for a marriage. I spit watermelon seeds. I believe it takes work if it means anything. I think of laughter as a thread that keeps relationships sewn together. I believe in loyalty. I don't fake anything. I think that playing with and reading to children are two of the most important gifts we can give them. I believe the elderly are national treasures. Diamonds and gold are overrated. I love sand. I miss my Nana. I’ll always be an Oriole’s fan, even when they suck, every year. I think that being alone and feeling lonely are two completely different things…the former I don’t mind, the latter makes me sad. Music should be on more than the television. Family is important. I am a farmer at heart. Dreaming is wonderful, but doing is better. I don't believe in coincidences. Fish-net thigh highs rock. I believe if someone is within three feet of you, you should speak to them. I love holding hands. October is my favorite month. I believe in second chances – and three’s a charm. I love to celebrate other people's birthdays. My favorite flower is a peony. I think it’s unfair and unhealthy to expect one person to fulfill all of your needs. I like breakfast for dinner, but burritos for breakfast. I’m terrible at doing the dishes. Heart beats out head, hands-down, every time. I think chocolate should be its own food group. I admit when I'm wrong and I admire others who can do the same. I (quietly) cuss like a sailor when I get upset. Everyone is beautiful. I love getting my hands dirty. I'm sensitive to the feelings of others. Green! I love to have my face touched, especially while being kissed. I think people should be required to buy at least one box of Girl Scout cookies every year. I love boobs. I like images of the Madonna and Child. I consider lying on a blanket, watching the stars come out a fantastic date. I think you should eat by candlelight as often as possible. Rain calms me. I know that I love you. I believe that God is all-loving and all-forgiving. I love to dance. I love the smell of the ocean. I think that you have to be able to laugh at yourself. I make the best coconut cream pie on the planet. Kissing is underrated. 4 is a lucky number. Quotes by famous dead (and some who are still alive) people make me think. I love the smell of babies. Pumpkins make me smile. I believe that Halloween is as much for grown-ups as for adults. The simpler the better. I believe that even the most wonderful, loving, long-lasting relationships have challenges. I think that, should the situation ever present itself, God would choose a beer over any other beverage. Birthday cakes should be homemade. I believe in, on occasion, saying Yes! to a child before the question is even asked. Camping puts things in perspective. I believe that you can’t truly love a person who you don’t really like. I feel that everyone needs to laugh through life, hand in hand, with another person.

I could keep going…

I think that journaling is eye-opening…

See, I can’t stop…

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