Saturday, August 21, 2010

What's A Blog?

I'm a magnet for emotional relief, it seems.
My friend, Mack, pointed out the other day that I'm so unlike most of the population
(oh, and if you look on my other blog,, there is an overview of a personality test that I took...and a link for you to take it, too).
People are drawn to me, I easily sense energy - good and "bad," folks feel they can vent to me...they come to me for emotional and spiritual support and I offer positive and loving options for resolutions. But, I guess it throws them off, when I hold up the mirror and ask, "What part, though, did you play in the situation that has you so mired down?...What negatives did you bring to the table?...Are there untruths about yourself or others being injected into the situation?...What are you going to DO to fix the problem?" (The latter is the most unappreciated question, by far).
You see, I don't mind being a sounding board or a trouble shooter, but I do mind being unloaded on, weighted down with all of the issues of others, who then move on, continuing their same negative and hurtful behavior, while I deal with the ethics of what I've just been told. It's frustrating.
Usually, when people come to me upset, concerned, confused, or angry about the hand they've been dealt, I recommend journaling ( journaling is wonderful for positives, too...journal daily, everything you are grateful for in another person...(or yourself)...and give it to them at some was the best gift I've ever delivered to a loved-one in the past).
Today, I decided to take my own advice and start blogging (journaling) again! What a release it is going to be to share the truth, suggestions, insight, and stories with folks! While both of my blogs don't have too many followers...they've been read over a 1000 times! Yippee! Going forward, I'd love some participation...some input...Venting is welcome, too, as long as you include some sort of steps toward resolution of your issue. All of this being said, please know that my intention isn't to offend anyone, especially when I use names, but rather to bring things to light and for me to finally be able to unload the way that I see is best and healthiest for me. Yes, for a change, I'm going to think about myself.

1 comment:

LMAO@Life said...

Great to see you blogging, again! Can't wait to see what else you have to say. I do believe that it's hard to look at oneself, honestly, at times....but very, very important!