Monday, August 23, 2010

Sticks, Stones, & Glass Houses

There is confusion in the minds of some surrounding the meaning of the phrase, "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. "

This isn't advice to keep one's mouth closed when faced with inappropriate behavior. Everyone should be expected to call out and be called out when they are hurting another, lying, cheating, stealing...whatever the err. Unethical behavior should always be condemned, regardless of the perpetrator. Sometimes it takes another individual to remind us of how off-base we are in our actions. We are here to serve each other - minister to one another - and at times, that involves bringing to light issues and concerns that another person isn't willing, or happy, to hear.

However, how we do that is what separates those who are loving, Christ-like, Spirit-led in behavior versus those who have other intentions. To label another soul - to call them a name, especially in a public forum - to throw sticks and stones - shows a lack or character, maturity, understanding, and empathy. For example, you may not agree with the way in which I attempt to resolve a conflict, but that doesn't give you the right to call me a crazy bitch. Or, you might think that having one-night stands and/or pre-marital sex, is wrong - especially since the Bible says so- but that doesn't give you the right to call a man a dirty whore simply because he engages in that type of behavior to pacify his insecurities. You should, instead, pray that he comes to terms with whatever is spawning that behavior.

Everyone has flaws. But, when we stoop to the level of anger and nastiness when dealing with others, we add to our own list of issues to contend with, not theirs.

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