Friday, March 5, 2010

When There Isn't A Pillow...

Although long-distance relationships have been a mainstay in the dating world for some time, it's with the advent of facebook,, and other online dating services that these types of connections have grown in acceptance. With easy access to each other via texts, cheap flights, and email - as well as the occasional phone call! - long-distance relationships are becoming easier to maintain. Or are they?

How do you create intimacy via email? How do you create shared memories when you are in two different places?



Pandora's Aquarium said...

I've had a couple of long distance relationships. In hindsight, I think they're best if we're not emotionally/mentally developed/mature enough to handle a more 'full time' relationship. And with the advent of so much digital networking, human contact is more of a rarity.

On a related note is how more of us text rather than phone. I hate hate hate talking on the phone now, and I have noticed that it's made me a bit retarded, as in I've sort of closed a piece of me off to most people by refusing to pick up the phone and talk.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Pandora, I'm not much on the telephone myself. Texting has become an easy way to communicate, and just makes it easier to multitask while maintaining contact with friends. As far as a long distance relationship goes, Facebook,chat,text, good for daily thoughts and pop up greetings,and to let each other know how often you think of each other. Nothing can replace the sound and feeling of an actual voice on the phone. The long distance may keep you from touch,but the occasional phone call to the one you miss is very comforting.

Anonymous said...

Remember when I was in a relationship and then found out he had been [and still was at the time] in a ld relationship with Maggie in the state of Washington for years? Too easy to cheat...

JabberJaws said...

I don't think I would ever put the possibility of cheating in the forefront of determining whether or not to start a relationship. People can cheat if they're under the same roof. So, it makes no sense to have that possibility limit a relationship. Trust is the other, but also trusting your own gut.