Friday, September 24, 2010

Mean Pumpkins Suck...

I want to be a role model for my children, but there are times when I so want to break down, yell out, and let loose about how I feel. Instead, I hold it in, out of respect for the other person. Yet, by doing so I put my self, my own sanity at risk.

There are times when I've wanted to move negative people out of my life - folks who told more lies than truths, or who were incessantly negative. However, I would never consider cutting someone out of my life who I cared deeply about at some point in time without any explanation on my end. Nor, would I neglect to give them the opportunity to vent, scream, cry, explain, cuss...say what was on their mind...even if I knew I didn't agree with it. To ignore and turn ones back on someone - an old friend, in particular - is not only cruel, but immature and unnecassary, especially as adults. It's mean. And it sucks.

I've always been a forgiving soul. A friend recently told me that unlike most people I look at a person's heart and not necessarily their actions. It allows me to easily and quickly forgive. And since I so easily forgive, it is simple for me to take on the role of forgiver, even when I truly don't see how an issue might have arose due to my actions. I'm certainly not a saint and have caused rifts in relationships throughout my lifetime. But, I've always held to the thought that I would never want to leave this world not at peace with another person - and I would never want another individual to not have the opportunity to be at peace with me.

People are entitled -deserving - of resolutions. Communication - in any form, even if it's a 10 minute bitch session - is gentler, more loving and kind, than avoidance for no reason. We are sensitive, spirit-like, God-filled creatures...and for that reason, if no other, we owe each other decency, respect, and understanding.