Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Tonight, I decided to make home-made hot chocolate. I had two mug-fulls, so now I'm wired.

I was cleaning up my "FAVORITES" file and thought I'd share some of the websites with you.

My beautiful friend, Lisa and her husband Dallas have started two fantastic blogs.
Even if you don't read anything that Lisa writes, you have to visit in order to check out every one of her photos. They are fantastic. She is so gifted!
Dallas is an awesome cook...his passion is anything food-related. He offers some delicious recipes (and Lisa has pictures on his site too!).

My cousin Geri has decided to follow her passion and head off to tattoo school (yes, there is such a thing). She is blogging about her experience at

Last year, my friend Anita and I went to an estate sale where we met Pam. The three of us acted like we had known each other for years. Pam filled us in on her life and followed through with one of her goals of starting Chesapeake Conservation Nurseries. You can get more info about the organization at

My cousin, Meghan, self-published a book called Perimeter Red! How awesome! For anyone out there who has dreamed of publishing a book, check out Oh, and while you're there, I think you can buy Meghan's book:)

For years, I've wanted to own a farm...and one day I will. Check out You can request a free No Farms, No Food bumper sticker! Go organic! Eat local!

Recently, I read a book by Dr. Howard Zinn. He is an historian and social activist. He is, in a word, awesome! I thought I knew about American history, but he presents facts that no one was willing to teach you in high school...or even college. You will have a new understanding about the role of our government, war, labor movements, your rights under the Constitution, and social justice.

For those of you who aren't aware, I chose to start attending Quaker (The Religious Society of Friends or just Friends) meetings a couple of years ago. You can read about Quakers and the work they do at,, and No matter what religion you currently practice, Friends welcome anyone to their meetings. I attend an unprogrammed meeting, which means there isn't a preacher/priest/rabbi...we minister to each other.
And yeah! to the Obama's who chose to send their children to a Quaker value-based school!

I know there are so many diseases, issues, and causes out there that it's difficult to keep up. However, there is one disease that I learned quite a bit about over the last few years and that it is often times overshadowed by cancer and heart disease, and that is Parkinson's disease. To learn more about the disease and how you can help, visit the National Parkinson Foundation at

Forget ebay! If you want to buy a great gift for someone - including your wonderful self - check out

When I lived in the DC area many, many moons ago, I volunteered at the Vegetarian Resource Group. They have vegan/vegetarian recipes, as well as facts about vegetarianism that can be found on their website,

I've been a card-carrying PETA member since 1994. While some might disagree with their tactics, there is no denying that they have brought the suffering and mistreatment of animals to the attention of the world.

I'm a believer in finding your four-legged friends at local animal shelters. When you are looking for a particular breed, you can search online for rescue groups that cater to that specific breed. If you live in Colorado and are looking for a new family member, check out I fell in love with these dogs about 15 years ago and can't wait to have the space to care for one...or more.

All parents out there should have a PTA card in your wallet! It's easy to join your local PTA and - aside from the joy of making a difference - you get discounts! If you think that all the PTA does is fund raise, please check out their site for more information. The primary goal of the PTA is to advocate - through legislation - for children. What a great cause!

Sweet Tooth

The other evening, after our nightly ritual of bath, books, and brushing, my daughter informs me that she believes a tooth fairy visit is soon to come. She said that while brushing her teeth, she noticed that her bottom front tooth was loose.

She was excited. I was sad. My litle girl is going to start losing her baby teeth. Next, she'll be telling me it's time for a bra. I can't take it.

A few days later we were having dinner and going through the usual back-and-forth of trying to get her to eat something green from her dinner plate. It takes her the early part of the evening to come close to finishing whatever she's having for supper. Usually, she needs to be bribed to eat something from the food pyramid. Put a piece of chocolate cake in front of her though, and you'd think she hasn't had a meal in days. She scarfs it down, then licks the plate.

Anyway, with a loook of total sincerity she says, " I think the loose tooth might be my sweet tooth. When it falls out, I bet my vegetable tooth will come in."


Monday, January 5, 2009


I know that some time ago I promised a blog about dates. I apologize for the delay. Aside from being overwhelmed with the election, PTA, and parties at the kids' schools, decorating and
un-decorating for the holidays, and so on, I really don't know what to say about dates (not the kind you eat...those, I love), because I haven't been on one in ages!

So, more than answers, I have questions about dating;

*What ideas do you have for fun and interesting dates with your partner?

*Do the types of dates you go on while in a committed relationship, let's say marriage, differ from the types of dates you have when dating someone new? I guess another way to pose this question is, are your dates as a single person more wild and adventurous than your dates as a married (with children or not) person?

*If you are dating someone for the first time, do you think you should click right away or do you feel you need more than one date to know if it is worth your time to continue to date this person?

*Is it ok for married couples to talk about their kids while on a date?

Here are some of my random thoughts...

Always be nice to your date, even if things aren't going well. Why? Well, aside from being the right thing to do, you never know who your date knows. Maybe your date doesn't see any future with you because your interests just don't jive. However, he/she has a friend who, like you, enjoys tofu at every meal, Zydeco music, and reruns of I Love Lucy. If you are super-duper nice,
I'm betting that your date would be willing to play match maker.

Don't go to a movie for you first - or even the second or third -date. Movies are great, don't get me wrong, but they aren't conducive to getting to know someone. Plus, isn't there something fun that you could do that would cost a week's worth of pay?

Be yourself!

Don't force it! If it's not working, it's ok. Don't get sad, depressed, or desperate! Harping on or getting wrapped up in a siutation that isn't going anywhere just keeps you from finding the right situation. As I used to like to say, "Next!"

You can take your self on a date! When I was single, I used to go out by myself (GASP!) and it was great. I'd take myself to restuarants, to fancy-shmancy bars, on day trips, to the book store for a new book and coffee (yes, I consider that a date) and to museums. Going out by yourself goes a long way in helping you build confidence. Plus, while I don't know that too many dates came out of my solitary excursions, I did meet a variety of characters!